Right after the polls and Dr TT became president-elect, he gave a glowing tribute to his wife. As I read the news report, I wondered how my friend would have voted if TT had given his tribute before the polls.
In the book of Genesis which describes the story of creation, God creates the man Adam from the dust of the ground and breathes the breadth of life into Adam. Out of a rib from Adam, God then makes a helper suitable for him - the woman Eve. Instead of forming woman from the dust of ground, God chooses to make her from the man's bone and flesh. This signifies the close partnership of man and woman, the oneness of the couple.
Matthew Henry says in his commentary of the "help-meet" (suitable helper) for man:
- a help like him, one of the same nature and the same rank of beings;
- a help near him, one to cohatbit with him and to be always at hand;
- a help before him, one that he should look upon with pleasure and delight.
Blessed is the man with a wife of noble character. The book of Proverbs describes such a wife as being "worth far more than rubies", whose husband "has full confidence in her and lacks nothing of value" and who "brings him good, not harm, all the days of her life" (Prov 31:10-31). Besides taking meticulous care of the household and home, the noble wife "opens her arms to the poor and extends her hands to the needy", is "clothed with strength and dignity", "speaks with wisdom and faithful instruction is on her tongue". Such a woman "who fears the Lord is to be praised".
Going by the accolades showered on TT's wife, the First-Lady-to-be may well be such a wife of noble character.